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Does Lighter Fluid Expire? #1 Answer [Solved]

Does Lighter Fluid Expire? #1 Answer [Solved]

If you’re like me, your lighter fluid has likely been sitting in your garage or basement for longer than you can remember.

When you go to use it you may wonder if it is safe, or if your lighter fluid has expired.

But does lighter fluid actually expire? Or is it safe for you to continue using that old container of it?


Does Lighter Fluid Expire?

The lighter fluid does not expire. Lighter fluid is a petroleum-based product. The compounds in petroleum mean that it will never go ‘bad’. However, if your lighter fluid has not been stored properly, there may be a change in the quality of the product.


Lighter Fluid and Its Shelf Life

There are several different types of lighter fluid. The one thing that they all have in common is that they contain a gaseous compound called hydrocarbons.

These are alcohol and petroleum-based products. When you think of lighter fluid, it is comparable to the gasoline that we get at the pump.

Lighter fluid is comparable to gasoline from the pump in that they're both alcohol and petroleum-based products
Lighter fluid is comparable to gasoline from the pump in that they’re both alcohol and petroleum-based products

It was made from bio-degradable material, deep within the earth. Lighter fluid, if stored in the right conditions, can last indefinitely.


Conditions Needed to Store Lighter Fluid

One of the main things that can affect the quality of lighter fluid is if you improperly store it.

Oxidation and evaporation are two of the biggest issues that affect the quality of your lighter fluid. If either process happens, your lighter fluid is still safe to use.

However, quality will be affected.

Because lighter fluid consists of alcohol and petroleum-based products, when it is exposed to air, there is a reaction.

Oxygen is such a detriment to lighter fluid, because, like with gasoline, those compounds form in environments that are devoid of oxygen.

When exposed to oxygen, oxidation and evaporation can begin quickly.

If your lighter fluid begins to oxidize, the electrons in your lighter fluid will deplete, while the oxygen electrons increase. This will affect how easy it is to use your lighter fluid.

Your lighter fluid may also face evaporation. If not stored in the right conditions, evaporation is a real risk.

Lighter fluid has alcohol, which, despite what many people think, can evaporate. If the alcohol starts evaporating, your lighter fluid will lose its flammability.

Once the lighter fluid begins evaporating, it will lose its flammability
Once the lighter fluid begins evaporating, it will lose its flammability

While it isn’t dangerous for you to use, you will find that it is less effective once it has started the evaporation process.


How To Properly Store Lighter Fluid

When preserving your lighter fluid, it all comes down to proper storage. You want to store your lighter fluid in a cool, dark area.

You should always check to make sure that the container is properly sealed and shows no sign of damage.

If the container is damaged, your lighter fluid will not expire, but it will become less effective as oxygen mixes with it.

Always check that the container of the lighter fluid is not damaged and properly sealed
Always check that the container of the lighter fluid is not damaged and properly sealed

Another thing to take into account is that when lighter fluid begins to oxidize or evaporate it can pose a health risk. The gas that is created during this process is harmful to humans and animals if inhaled.

These risks are increased if you have stored your lighter fluid in an area that doesn’t have readily available ventilation.


The Time It Takes For Lighter Fluid To Evaporate

Because several chemical compounds could make up the particular lighter fluid that you have, the time that it takes for your lighter fluid to evaporate can vary.

If your lighter fluid is denser, it will take less time to evaporate. A lighter fluid that is lighter can begin to evaporate within 24 hours if not stored in the right conditions.

When it comes to evaporation, heat, and oxygen are your greatest enemies.

The easiest way to prevent your lighter fluid from evaporation is proper storage. Keep your lighter fluid canister in a cool area that is out of direct sunlight.

You also need to check the container that you are storing your lighter fluid in to ensure that it is sealed tightly.

Just ensure that no oxygen can come in. Sometimes, this can be as simple as giving the cap an extra twist to ensure that it is on tightly.


Hidden Dangers

Lighter fluid is generally safe when you use it with proper caution. One hidden danger when it comes to lighter fluid involved both the oxidation and evaporation processes.

Not only are these processes dangerous if you inhale the fumes, but lighter fluid can also cause skin damage.

While you won’t notice it, when lighter fluid evaporates, it can leave behind a residue. This residue is harmful to your skin if you come in contact with it.


Frequently Asked Questions On Whether Lighter Fluid Expires Or Not


How long does the lighter fluid in lighters take to evaporate?

While it depends on the type of lighter, your lighter fluid can evaporate within hours. The process of lighting them opens the fluid up to the oxidation process. Once this begins, you will see a quicker rate of evaporation.


How do I know if my lighter fuel has begun to evaporate or oxidize?

Oxidation is the easiest process to spot, as it leaves visible reduction or damage in your lighter fluid canister. Evaporation can be more difficult to spot, but you may notice that there is less lighter fluid in your container if it is clear.


Conclusion About Does Lighter Fluid Expire

The lighter fluid does not expire. However, some conditions can affect the shelf-life of your lighter fluid.

If you store your lighter fluid in an area that experiences a good deal of heat or if your container allows oxygen to get into it, your lighter fluid will be affected.

While it hasn’t expired, there is a good chance that you will notice a difference in the quality and effectiveness of your lighter fluid.

About Me

Hi, this is Kent Walker. I am an outdoor enthusiast. I love fishing, hiking as well as kayaking. I write about my adventures in the wide open and what I learned about it.